Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spam Collecting

by SS

That's pretty much all my blog does these days. A few times a week I get a notification about a new anonymous comment providing a link to something I'm afraid to click for fear it will destroy my computer.

I think it's funny when bloggers spend half a post apologizing for slacking off on their blog. Really, it's okay. We don't wake up every morning hoping to find a new post from you. Okay, maybe sometimes. . . :)

The truth is, I haven't had much fodder which fits into the context of this blog. It makes me sad because I really enjoy blogging. Unfortunately, however, I find myself confined to a topic that isn't always the most interesting. I mean, really, how much can one say about being single? Funny dates, religious peculiarities, societal norms, personality quirks, blah blah blah. Yeah, me and every other single person.

Sometimes I think I should start a real blog with my real name about real stuff that I really care about. But I think I like anonymity too much. Also, I'm lazy.

I miss the dialogue here and am genuinely hoping that I'll feel inspired to write again soon. But, as I've said before in connection with dating—if I'm not feeling it, I'm not feeling it. And I don't want to force anything.

I guess that's it. I miss you. I'll be back when I have something I really feel like I writing.

PS As for A, I'm not sure what happened to him. Maybe he got bored, too. A, you know that you can share stories and stuff even if I don't, right? ;)


Caroline said...

Take your time, I'm pretty sure there are still a few of us lurking, waiting for a new post. To be honest though I'm glad we're past the phase during which yourself and A seemed to be talking quite a lot about how awesome the other was. I may have been reading that whole thing incorrectly (and am too lazy to go back and check), but it was a bit of a turn-off.

Karen M. Peterson said...

Just stopped by when I saw your comment on Faking It.

Cool blog. I hope you'll keep it going. I'm sure you have a lot of great stuff to say. But, you're right. If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it.

And seriously. WHAT is UP with the stupid Anonymous comments? I am so sick of the mysterious links to places I most definitely do NOT want to visit.

Bonnie said...

we miss you!

Little Lovables said...

I can see how posting about one specific topic all the time can feel a little draining. I'm sure you can still add in other details without giving away your anonymity.

besides, making up stories or commenting on other's weird experiences are always a plus too ;)