Friday, April 17, 2009


Oops. I sort of lied in my last post.

I do know a guy that is okay with the plan I talked about. We have been friends for years although we no longer live in the same state.

A few years ago he tried to take our friendship to the next level. I was heartbroken to have to reject him. But the truth is simple: I don't like him that way. He's fun and sweet and cute. I even think I could kiss him. But I don't think I could have a hot make-out session with him. You know the difference.

Our friendship took a blow at first. But we eventually made up and now keep in touch regularly. We even visit each other from time to time. But we have both moved on with our lives.

Except recently he has let me know that the dating thing is still something he'd like to try if I'm open to it.

We've talked about my lack of domesticity. He's okay with it. He likes to cook and is even intrigued by and open to the idea of being a SAHD.

In a certain sense I can say that I do love him. We know each other pretty well. We have a lot of fun together.

But I don't think I could ever be smitten.

And that would make me feel like I was settling. Right?

Musical bonus:


catharooni said...

the settling vs too picky battle will be as eternal as a temple marriage. ugh.

Unknown said...

When it's right, you won't even have this conversation in your head. Or so says my dad.

alex dumas said...

I enjoy the arguments that I could "grow" to love him. I'm 38. What about now? And what if I don't?