Thursday, May 21, 2009

The random hook up—part 2

One weekend, during the whole NEB saga, I took a road trip to a neighboring city with a couple of my roommates. An old guy friend of mine who lived there was having a party. My guy friend had told me that his roommate was a bit of a player. My roommate had also warned me with stories. But I wasn’t concerned because I'm hardly ever attracted to that type. Plus there would be plenty of girls for Player Boy to pursue at the party.

But I ended up being PB's lucky winner. And he was better than I thought. Even though I didn’t even like him that much. I mean, he was nice and fun and cute, but our personalities were quite different.

He ended up hovering around me all night . I guess I could've tried harder to lose him, but he seemed to just suck me in. Later we went to watch a movie on the beanbags and. . .what can I say? I couldn’t believe how forward he was. I certainly could’ve fought him more, but I felt weak.

Here is the pathetic part—I pretended it was NEB. Of course I felt nothing because it wasn’t NEB. But I tried to imagine. Ugh.

The following day we all went out to explore the city. PB stayed at my side all day and—even though I had told myself the previous night that I wouldn't—the evening once again led to the beanbag.

The next day we said goodbye. Meaningless, devoid of feeling. The whole time I knew it would be that way. And fortunately (as sad as this may sound) I didn’t like him that much so there was no hurt or anything to get over.

I think I need to remind myself of these experiences so that I will be good at Duck Beach this weekend. :)


4th Grade Chickadees said...

I totally understand situations like this. Unfortunately for me, I lack the self-control to keep it in my pants, and that makes situations like these about ten times harder. So be glad you at least have that! And good luck at Duck Beach... whatever that is!

suvi said...

I just did this. I spent the weekend on a boat and the PB decided that I was the one to pursue. And it felt nice to have someone actively pursuing me to cuddle with, even though I wasn't really interested. I tried talking myself into it (he's a nice guy, he's cute...) but now that i'm home and he's on the other side of the country, i know I'm not going to really keep in touch, and like you, not all that disappointed.

Talk as we might about this, is resistance futile? Hope you had more self control this weekend than I did!

whyimstillsingle said...

Ha ha. I think resistance is a lot harder for me when the weather is nice and I'm in a beautiful place. :) Otherwise I'm usually pretty good.

Natalie said...

Um, I'm glad you have no will power, much like myself. haha.

Found your blog because my google reader commented you. You're funny. Let's be blog friends.

Nat :)

Commercial Cleaners Muncie said...

Thanks for posting thiss