Monday, May 4, 2009

Has this ever happened to you?

Awhile back I was thinking about different people I'd known from different periods of my life. Thanks to fb, I now have the pleasure of knowing that about 98% of them are married with at least one kid. Many are on their second or third. And this includes a number of people who are younger than me.

Maybe it's just the proximity of the big three-oh that is freaking me out.

You see, the other day something startled me awake in the very early hours of the morning. I don't even remember what it was. A car? A bird? All I remember was that the first thought I had upon waking up was—oh my gosh, I forgot to start a family!

It seems funny to recount it now, but at the time the panic I felt was so overwhelming that I had trouble getting back to sleep. In my dazed state, I tried to figure out what I had been doing in my over ten years of singledom since turning 18. How had I not managed to find someone in that amount of time?

Seriously. Where has the time gone?


Angela said...

When I turned 30, I just told everyone that I'd turned 20/10. That's right, it's the number that follows 29. It helped me cope well into my 20/11th year and now I'm OK saying 32, though it still is unreal. And yeah, where HAS the time gone? I keep trying to remind HF that I've only got so many eggs and they're getting old and decrepid at this point. hahhaa.

whyimstillsingle said...

Hahaha. 20/10. I like that. :)

Anonymous said...

I just turned 31, and I'm freaking out about being single and not even in a relationship. I'm trying to convince myself that is not going to happen, but deep inside I know is not true and would really like to meet prince charming