Monday, April 13, 2009

Because I stopped caring.

This doesn't mean what you think it means.

I still dress cute and wear makeup. I work out. I bathe.

But as far as social activities. . .I do what I want.

I stopped forcing myself to go to every fhe and every institute and every ice cream social and every !!TOTALLY AWESOME FUNNEST NIGHT EVER!! theme party of some sort.

Now—and for some time—I've been going to only the activities that interest me. Kayaking? I'm there. Camping? I've got my tent. Beach? I can drive.

Party at someone's house where there are basically all the same people that were at last weekend's party standing around chatting while keeping their eye on the door to see if any new meat walks in? I'll pass.

I realize that “the one” might just be at that party or fhe I missed last week. But I don't have time for that game.

I do what I want.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having fun now, but you know you're probably going to hell if you don't attend every activity that your ward has, right? Just wanted to make sure you knew that.

suvi said...

agreed. how on earth is one to meet their soul mate at an activity where you feel like your soul is sucked out of you and you spend the entire night with a fake smile and awkward, stupid conversation.

Now, the question is how to find the mo guys who like to attend lectures on eating local in nyc or Darfur? I seem to have no problems meeting guys at places like that. Church activities? I seem to have the black plague.

catharooni said...

personal opinion: family home evening is not a social event. according to the church, i (little old single me) am a family unit. the only program in the church have never had an inkling of warmth for is single adult FHE ones. gah!

of course, now that i am officially in my LATE 30's, i rarely attend any form of singles activity. both of us being single is NOT enough of a reason to spend time together ...

there. thanks for letting me vent. love your insights!!

Unknown said...

I would prefer NOT to meet my future HB at a party...

Andrea Jolene said...

OH yes yes me too. "Do what I want 2009" has started smoothly and happily - I think I'll keep it rollin.