Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do me a favor

The blog is getting almost 1000 hits every week now, but I still have no idea who most of you are. Please take 2 seconds to take the poll in the upper righthand corner. I want to know who you are! :) Thanks!


Heidi Rose said...

I'm on a wild goose chase because I just gained a follower, whose site is not linked to, if they even have one.. and I guess if I looked at other sites they were following... maybe I could find a comment.. This must sound pretty ridiculous to you.

Anyway, you blog seems interesting, so I put my vote in the poll. Maybe I'll stop by again. :)

Mal Mecham said...

In effort to not be a creeper, I'll tell you that I'm not going to read this blog on a regular basis. You crack me up!

Bonnie said...

I read your blog! I'm really young and really mormon and really married, i guess, but I never expected to be. I don't feel like I was pressured into it or rushed or anything, and I still yet to understand the culture of dating.

Mal Mecham said...

And I definitely meant now, as opposed to not...

whyimstillsingle said...

Haha, thanks, Mal. Glad you're sticking around. :)